Monday, 9 February 2009

A nostalgic townscape

Thank you very much to the artists who visit my blog and for leaving encouraging comments. I do appreciate it very much.
I am afraid my skills of writing interesting articles is very limited, and therefore I must apologise for being rather boring and just showing my paintings. Todays watercolour is of a typical nostalgic townscape. The scene is based on the old open top trams of Bradford , but I suppose it could be anywere in Britain of the time.
Thank you again.


John Salmon said...

No Apology required Trevor. If you could paint pictures with words you may not be so good at painting them with paint. A picture says so much more, especially when you tease us with just enough pictorial information for our imaginations to run wild. Thank you for this visual treat. It is much appreciated.

Michelle said...

Wow Trevor, You've been busy. Beautiful work all around! I think, as artist, most of us are minimalists with words.

One of my favorite art quotes, by Edward Hopper: "If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint."

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello John
What can I say but, thank you.
Kind Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Michelle
Thank you
That is a great quote.
I shall remember that one and refer to it when I am struggling for words.
Kind Regards

Stephen Dell'Aria said...

Wow!!! How you do this with such a sure stroke amazes me. You can feel the temperature, time of day, hear the noise in the street. An exceptionally alive painting Trevor. I love the idea of recreating the past. A glimpse back to a time that offers us comfort and security in our imaginations. You are equally talented in two mediums. Great painting!!!

Blair Goold said...

Trevor, how much drawing do you do on the paper before you start painting? Just curious. By the way, nice piece.

Vikki North said...

Hello Fair Sir who does such beautiful paintings,
We have been watching you. We are artist also. At least that's what they call us. You may even know us. We'd like to invite you to a member of our very Private Club. We're very selective and only an elite few are welcome on our hallowed grounds. We pick you.

We even have a little 'chit chat' room just for the likes of you. It's rightfully called Dante's Pub. But when your enter BEWARE! You are entering the abyss of the artist mind! You may not find your way out.

You're welcome to watch from afar while drinking your brew or pull up a chair and join us for a little chat. Be sure and register and then log in. After all, this is a very private club. We don't allow just any wanderer in our midst.

Don't dilly dally now! It wont cost you a pence. Check out The Artist Challenge and Dante's Pub- that is if your daring and think yourself worthy to be amongst the souls we've claimed?

Farewell...until we hear from you,
Master Mike and the Pub Wench

Artist Challenge-
Dante‘s Pub -

Edward Burton said...

Wonderful painting, Trevor - it has a great atmosphere to it.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Stephen
Its always good to hear from you.
Glad you like this painting. I do enjoy going into the past with my paintings.
Kind Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Blair.
Thank you for visiting again. Its much appreciated.
Re drawing...well very little, just sufficient to indicate approx position of buildings for compositional balance. Have you seen the video clip at the bottom of this blog?

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Redchair.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your invitation.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Edward
I am again honoured that you have called at my blog and your comments. I do appreciate that.
Kind Regards

Serena said...

Lovely muted colours, and just the right mix of looseness and detail. A beautiful picture indeed.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Serena
That is nice of you to say and much appreciated.
Kind Regards

Paula Villanova said...

Your painting is beautiful and stands on its own, without accompanying it should.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Paula
Thank you for those nice words.
I hope you are keeping well and getting those miles in too.
Kind Regards

harry bell said...

Trams! Synchronicity! Don't worry about the lack of wordage. People obviously get enough out of your pictures to comment on, and when you feel you have something you want to say, it'll come. Keep up the good work.

Trevor Lingard said...

Nice one Harry. Cheers for visiting and the encouragement.
What happened to the profile picture? Are you having an upgrade.
Best Regards

benjaminlois said...

hi Trevor!! great townscape!! i like very much townscapes, more than landscapes and yours is very very good. is really interesting yor blog. congratulations!!

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Benjaminlois
Glad you like my townscapes. I do enjoy painting them more than anything, but I am frightened of being labelled, so I change my subjects about for variety and to push my boundaries.
Thank you again so much for your comments.

Linda Hammelman said...

The burst of sunlight certainly energizes these lovely busy people. I, too, find it difficult to compose a worthy number of words on my blog. But, your last comment to me got me thinking about internet selling and I think I may have something to say on the subject. Perhaps by later today or tomorrow...

Shari said...

The painting says it all, Trevor. Excellent watercolour work. You are an inspiration!

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Linda
I`m glad not to be on my own re wording. I am Dyslexic and it takes me ages to compose sentences. I`m afraid my replies to blogs or comments on blogs are basic. People will think I`m ignorant I`m sure.
Looking forward to hearing about your internet marketing too.
Kind Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Inky
You are very kind with your comment.
Best Regards

Unknown said...

Now Trevor if we wanted to be enthralled by writing, we'd go to a writer's blog. We're here to see your beautiful pieces and just a bit about it's background. Remember, a picture paints a thousand...[go ahead you know the rest]

Trevor Lingard said...

Nice one Sheila
You`ve sorting me out again.
Kindest Regards

Anonymous said...

This is great Trevor, I am the same as far as writing is concerened, I can only seem to express myself visualy.

Trevor Lingard said...

Thank you Morgaine
That is reassuring to know for me.
Your work says it all.