Thursday, 5 February 2009

Ella`s mum

A painting of Ella, our grandaughter is shown lower down the page. This is her mum Jessica (the eldest; as affectionally known in the family).
Next will be the turn of the youngest Kim, when I`ve painted her.


Tatiana said...

lovely rosey color...tranquil

Stephen Dell'Aria said...

You've capture an excellent pensive mood in this portrait. Your drawing skill is outstanding

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Tatiana
Thank you for calling and your email. Keep that music belting out.

Trevor Lingard said...

Thank you Stephen your comment gives me a boost which is what I need.

Private said...

Wish I could do that. :)

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Rachete
Thank you for visiting my blog. I would like to link to your site, will you reciprocate.
Kind Regards

Edward Burton said...

WONDERFUL painting - beautifully composed!

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Edward
So pleased you have visited.
Your comments are much appreciated
I hope we continue our communications.

Michael said...

People Face painting is very rich in color, very beautiful.

benjaminlois said...

hi Trevor!! as you did with your grandaugther, the paint is excellent! you have a special talent to take out the soul of the people you paint and that is marvelous!!

Marilyn M. King said...

Trevor, your portraits are wonderful. So alive and expressive and the brushwork so stimulating. It is amazing how you can jump from your stunning watercolors to these oils. It is obviously due to your well trained and practiced eye. I'll enjoy being continually inspired by your work.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Zhao
You are kind visiting me again. Your English is very good.
Kind Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Menjaminlois
Thank you for very your warm comments., I appreciate that very much.
Kind Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Marilyn
Thank you for visiting and commenting on my work.
I very much value your coments and I am more so pleased that you will visit again.
Kind Regards

Theresa Rankin said...

Thoughtful and well composed! Beautiful rendered on you signature style!

Dana Cooper said...

Trevor, this is a beautifully, sensitive portrait, well done!
Thanks for visiting my site and your comments.

Diane Morgan said...

Thank you, Trevor for you kind words. Nice to meet someone who appreciates watercolor. Yours are wonderful. These connections that have developed because of Karin Jurick are great, aren't they?

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Theresa
Thank you so much.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Dana
Thank you for visiting my blog. It is a pleasure for me to communicate with you.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Diane
I am pleased you have visited my blog.
I look forward to see your work again which I admire.

Douglas Hoover said...

Trevor, I must say that you have a wonderful way of capturing moments that evoke so much feeling. Well done, Sir! Beautiful.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hey Douglas
You give me a boost when I need it.
I do very much appreciate you visiting my blog.
Kind Regards

Casey Klahn said...

Very evocative. Terrific.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful portrait ! great work Trevor.

Kim said...

wonderful portrait Trevor!!
so expressive :)

you are the Featured Artist this week at Top Artists Directory..
cheers Kim aka laketrees..

Jala Pfaff said...

Wonderful expression and feeling.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Casey
I very much appreciate you visiting my blog and your comment.
Kind Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Morgaine
Its lovely to hear from you.
Kind Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Kim
Thank you for visiting and your comment.
Also I appreciate the featured artist position on your directory.
Best Regards

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Jala
Thank you for your comment, I really respect that.
Best Regards

Blair Goold said...

Hi Trevor. You really captured something here. I can hear her thinking...or maybe she just sighed, or hummed or something. It's wonderful.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Blair
Thank you for dropping in.
Your comments are appreciated.
Best Regards

Michelle B. Hendry said...

A nicely captured moment!

Jala Pfaff said...

Hi Trevor, I've just tagged you. (See my Feb.9 post). :)

Trevor Lingard said...

Thank you again Michelle
Kindest Regard

Trevor Lingard said...

I Jala
Thank you for tagging me, I am honoured. Love your notes.

Sally Tharp said...

Trevor... Your work is absolutely beautiful. I would love to be able to do portraits as well as you do.. I will look forward to following your work! Thank you for visiting my blog. Sally

Kathy Weber said...

Wonderful portrait! Great light and mood.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hello Sally
Thank you for visiting my blog and your nice comment which I appreciate.

Trevor Lingard said...

Hi Kathleen
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I look forward to communicating with you through your blog.
Kind Regards

L.Holm said...

Stunning! So full of love and gorgeous light. Brilliant. : )

Trevor Lingard said...

Thank you so much Liz.
You give me much needed encouragement.
Kind Regards

Claudia said...

I love the pensive, thoughtful mood caught and expressiveness in brush work!!

Trevor Lingard said...

Thank you Claudia
Your comments give me much encouragement.